Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Revision Lecture=)

***From GyPsyGal.moblog dated 22 May 2007, 11:39:51 PM***

I was really happy that the dept organised a GP revision lecture on this last week of Term 2 to help students consolidate what we have been learning over the weeks and better prepare us for the Mid-Year on first day of Term 3 :X
ASPA is something that we should always bear in mind while doing Paper 2.
So... do Analyse, Select relevant text, Paraphrase (Plan for summary) and Structure your answers accordingly :)
Thinking of it as a boring lecture where many will dose-off?
NO way, it's pretty interesting and 100% insightful...
Lecturer was effective and clear in delivering the entire lecture! Although, i have never been taught by him nor know him beforehand, i'm extremely grateful for his lecture which conveys lots (",) It focused on Compre, Vocab and even Summary skills with good time management for each section respectively in that 1 very hour (*_*)
We students get very irritated when lecturer dash thru' slides and disallows us to copy down the answers and main points :p None of this happened for Lt1's GP lecture this week. Hopefully, other students will find this particular lecture useful! Afterall, GP lecture is like diamond-- rare and precious +)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Be a Vigilante!

***From GyPsyGal.moblog dated 16 May 2007, 12:18:40 AM***

During this week's GP lesson, my class have an active discussion over issues of Vigilanism and Pro-Life etc. while we were accompanied by "Devil L" for a visit to HELL :p
We were divided into 5 groups and different situations were given to each group; requiring one member to take the HOT seat and justify "Why you should not end up in Hell"...
My group's task is MRT HERO: this guy who took a knife and killed a terrorist suspect that plan to plant a bomb in Orchard station (but never succeed in the end, All thanks to me :X).
Question: Am i considered a murder and are my actions justified???
Representing my group, i mentioned the reasons which caused me to act on my own, on the spot, to prevent a disaster from happening. Imagine a bomb out-brust in our crowded Orchard station!?! It's only right for me to stop such a tragedy from taking place!
It's like cause one to die instead of having many innocents dead as a results (*_*)
There were too enthu debates for other 'convicts' such as the Dad-killer that decided to stop his life-supposrting machines and the cold-blooded mother wanting to abort her 5 months old baby!!!
Interesting activity, isn't it?
Basically, A vigilante is someone who takes the enforcement of law or moral code into his or her own. If you feel that such practice should not be allowed in a civilised nation where Laws applies then what explains the latest Movie Blockbuster-- Spiderman3?
Do you know that he is considered a vigilante too? What about the ever-famous Tomb-rider and Charles Angels? They also attempt to bring Justice to the world via their own means!
" With great power comes great responsibility" Hopefully, these heros will be responsible for conveying the set of wrong ideas to the next generations (-_-)