Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Be a Vigilante!

***From GyPsyGal.moblog dated 16 May 2007, 12:18:40 AM***

During this week's GP lesson, my class have an active discussion over issues of Vigilanism and Pro-Life etc. while we were accompanied by "Devil L" for a visit to HELL :p
We were divided into 5 groups and different situations were given to each group; requiring one member to take the HOT seat and justify "Why you should not end up in Hell"...
My group's task is MRT HERO: this guy who took a knife and killed a terrorist suspect that plan to plant a bomb in Orchard station (but never succeed in the end, All thanks to me :X).
Question: Am i considered a murder and are my actions justified???
Representing my group, i mentioned the reasons which caused me to act on my own, on the spot, to prevent a disaster from happening. Imagine a bomb out-brust in our crowded Orchard station!?! It's only right for me to stop such a tragedy from taking place!
It's like cause one to die instead of having many innocents dead as a results (*_*)
There were too enthu debates for other 'convicts' such as the Dad-killer that decided to stop his life-supposrting machines and the cold-blooded mother wanting to abort her 5 months old baby!!!
Interesting activity, isn't it?
Basically, A vigilante is someone who takes the enforcement of law or moral code into his or her own. If you feel that such practice should not be allowed in a civilised nation where Laws applies then what explains the latest Movie Blockbuster-- Spiderman3?
Do you know that he is considered a vigilante too? What about the ever-famous Tomb-rider and Charles Angels? They also attempt to bring Justice to the world via their own means!
" With great power comes great responsibility" Hopefully, these heros will be responsible for conveying the set of wrong ideas to the next generations (-_-)

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